The Bourbaki group was formed in 1935. Its founding members were: Henri Cartan, Claude Chevalley, Jean Coulomb, Jean Delsarte, Jean Dieudonné, Charles Ehresmann, René de Possel, Szolem Mandelbrojt, André Weil. The Association des Collaborateurs de Nicolas Bourbaki was created in 1952.
The Elements of Mathematics are published by Springer-Verlag.
In 2023, publication of the English translation of the Chapter 8 of the Book Algebra. Contents (pdf)
In 2023, publication of a new volume of the Book Théories spectrales chapitres 3 à 5. Contents (pdf)
This seminar was created with a thought towards younger mathematicians. Colleagues present the mathematical context of some of the talks of the Sémianire Bourbaki in order to make them more accessible; they may also introduce some tools or further motivations.
The Friday's Bourbaki Seminar takes place at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, room 314Charles Hermite amphitheater), 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e. — [iCal] [Poster] [Abstract]
The Bourbaki seminar receives support from the CNRS managed by the IHP.
The N. Bourbaki Seminar takes place at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, Charles Hermite amphitheater), 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e. — [iCal] [Poster] [Abstract]
Leaflets with the texts prepared by the speakers are printed and distributed at each session. Should you want leaflets of the past sessions, just ask at the front desk at the IHP!
The next session of the Seminars will be on Saturday June, 14 2025.
To receive announcements of the next seminars: send an email message to
this address.
You can also follow the calendars available on
the Indico portal :
Friday's Séminaire
and Séminaire
Bourbaki (iCalendar format)
The links below give access to the abstracts and the video
recordings of the most recent sessions.
You can access here a list of previous recorded Bourbaki seminars. All the videos can also be found on the IHP platform.
List by authors' names of the Bourbaki Seminar lectures (number 1 to 1191).
Volume 2018/2019 of the Bourbaki Seminar (lectures 1151 to 1165) : Astérisque 422 (2020), Société mathématique de France.
Volume 2017/2018 of the Bourbaki Seminar (lectures 1136 to 1150) : Astérisque 414 (2019), Société mathématique de France.
Volumes of the Seminar since its creation.
Texts of the Bourbaki Seminar lectures until 2010 (on Numdam)
A physics seminar, the Poincaré Séminar, was created in 2001 with the Bourbaki Seminar as model.